Land of the Morining Calm Photo Series
So the first week Jacke and I got in, we met mom in Incheon Airport. She came out to see us for a week. As part of her introduction to Korean culture, Jackie and I took her to Jiri-san("san" is a sufix for mountain) -a mountain in the Jollanam province. It was beautiful. Jiri-san has one of the oldest Buddhist temples in the province. So we had a little hike, made one with nature, and got to know some of the monks.
. . .pilling up rocks is a way of wishing for things like good health or good luck on tests (the only thing kids here in Korea do is study for tests). What are these two praying for? Who knows?
. . .this was the monk guide Jackie picked up. Cool guy. Very Buddhist.
. . .ancient buddhist trash can.
After Jiri-san we headed for Seoul by train. It is nothing like the Amtrak back home in the states. This is first class luxury at bellow Amtrak prices.
. . .an egg. Jackie likes taking pictures of food.
. . .Wax Poetics in Korea. It's the vinyl junkie's bible.
. . .this old dude was a character. He sat on me two times, dropped soda and got my bag wet, and lost his chestnuts (literally). In the end though we decided he was cool. Jacke thought he was cute.
. . .here comes the first class service. The food comes to you on Korean trains.
. . .this little one wouldn't sit still. For four hours she was up and down and all over the train.
Mom didn't get to spend too much time in Seoul, but we did get one night out on the town.
. . .two random Puerto Ricans on the Seoul metro. . . .and a radom nerd trying to crack this cube.
Since I've left home I've come to really appreciate open markets. In fact, if I could do it over, I might have done my Watson on markets instead of music. From the UK to Ghana to India to Korea, open air markets have been everywhere. They remain the best place to score cheap and good fruit, to see intersting people, to meet some of the most badass hustlers, and a never ending source of quality images. These pics...not so quality. But they're a few that I've shot while in the markets here in Korea.
And now for those miscellanous shots that don't fit anywhere...but need to be shared. These all come from Seoul.
. . .global crack doughnuts. So bad...yet so good.
. . .no, not a riot. Just an intense display of nationalism.
. . .Korean game shows. I have no idea what they're saying...but it's funny.
. . .finally...Mr. Hollywood sees the light.